By: Jon Hansen - SD District 25 - Speaker of the House of Representatives
Now that HB 1052 has passed and Summit Carbon Solutions is no longer able to use the coercive and overwhelming power of eminent domain against South Dakotans (same with any other for-profit company) I’m left wondering what Summit Carbon Solutions will do next…
Here is my open message to Summit Carbon or anyone else who wants to try to come abuse our fellow South Dakotans:
Your green new deal boondoggle; your lawsuits; your threats; and your intimidation against our people, our counties, and our grassroots commissioners ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. It’s time to stop.
Take. The. Message. You have caused one of the biggest, if not the biggest, turnovers of incumbent politicians in the history of South Dakota primary elections because many incumbent politicians who voted for SB 201 were tossed out of office because of their vote. But passing SB 201 was all for nothing, because a grassroots army of people rose up to put SB 201 on the ballot, and that referred law, RL 21, was resoundingly rejected by the people. They saw through your attempt to mislead the people by claiming that SB 201 was a “landowner bill of rights” and saw the truth that it was really an attempt to pave the way for your boondoggle carbon project.
As a result of the elections, the leadership of the legislature was almost completely filled with opponents to your boondoggle project—including my election as Speaker of the South Dakota House of Representatives.
Then another election took place, and the Republican Party elected as its chair and officers stalwarts and leaders in the pro-property rights movement.
All the while, you sued hundreds of South Dakota landowners with condemnation lawsuits in an attempt to take and use their private property against their will. What you did caused immense hardship and stress and financial burden upon many South Dakotans who just wanted to exercise their most basic private property right to tell you “No thanks. I’m not interested.”
But this also gained you nothing because the people stood their ground, your PUC permit was denied, and the Supreme Court ruled against your status as a “common carrier.”
And now, all of this has led to HB 1052. With its passage, your pressure campaign in South Dakota has been ended. Let it be the final say. No more lawsuits. No more intimidation. No more green new deal boondoggle. Enough is enough.
Sincerely, Jon Hansen - Speaker of the Peoples’ House of Representatives.
P.S. A note for the landowners—as I told the the people at the end of my debate with another carbon sequestration pipeline company who folded up and left shortly after we publicly debated: to the landowners, to the farmers, and to the families who are affected by this: keep up the fight and keep up the faith. You are absolutely in the right on this issue. Do not ever let yourself be bullied or intimidated by the likes of Summit Carbon Solutions. Know that we’ve got your back. And at the end of this, the landowners are going to prevail, I truly believe that. God bless you.
Please contact your Representatives,
Senators, and tell friends to do the same,
about Bill H.R. 1949 to REPEAL the 45Q
tax credit; IRS 26 US code Section 45Q tax
credit (CO2 sequestration) associated with
The Green New Deal, 2022 Inflation
Reduction Act, 2021 Infrastructure
Investment & Jobs Act in one way or
On March 6, 2025 U.S. Rep Scott Perry and
Rep Rohit Khanna introduced Bill H.R. 1949.
— Common sense legislation
— Waste of Taxpayer’s money
— Will waste $1 trillion in the years to come
— subsidizes technologies that serve no
— distorts energy markets
— concerns about the integrity of the tax
— Treasury Inspector General for Tax
Administration found nearly $1 billion in
claims for unverified activities
— Bill protects the Taxpayer
— restores market discipline
— removes insidious and wasteful tax
My Concerns are:
— Taxpayer’s money being used for all
the wrong environmental reasons.
— Waste liquefied CO2 has no Public use.
(You’re NOT going to hook up to your home)
— Foreign Involvement
— National Security risk
— Waste CO2 sequest./pipeline projects is
basically a Weapon of Mass Destruction
running next to Cities, Towns, Schools, Farms.
— D.O.G.E. on notice and timeliness
August 1986 Rupture: Lake Nyos, Cameroon
1746 humans killed, 3500 livestock killed.
February 2020 Rupture: Satartia, Yazoo Co.
Mississippi. 292 evacuated, 45 hospitalized
— 76 rupture since 2010, – PHMSA
Repealing the 45Q tax credit (your money
working against you) will stop the incentive
to build sequestrations. It will force domestic
/foreign private entities to use their money.
The 45Q tax credit of CO2 capture needs to
be defunded, money returned to the U.S.
I came up with this some a while ago and
would like to share.
I hope it posts as intended a list.
Common sense does not prevail in some.
It has been said “We (the abusive foreign/domestic entity) can’t comprehend why Dakotans won’t take our money.
I will try to translate for them.
This is us
— This wasn’t about a Waste CO2 pipeline.
— This is about an abusive Private Entity.
— This is about trying to take our Land
through Weaponized Law-fare.
— This is about a well thought out way to
destroy our generational Landownership.
— This is about outsiders without the same
Values as the “Cowboy Way”.
— This is about how Dakotans have not lost
their way as the rest of the World.
— This is about the “Money doesn’t mean
— This is about “Don’t bite the hand that
feeds you”.
— This is about S.D. has been “open for
business” long before any Waste CO2 pipeline.
— This is about you’re not the only game in
— This is about depleting S.D. resources
water, electricity, world food supply, services
— This is about insulting our 9 Indigenous
Tribal partners.
— This is about a Private foreign/domestic
Entity use of 26 US code, Section 45Q tax
credit for CO2 sequestration.
— This is about wasting Taxpayer’s money.
— This is about an Entity being Weapon-
ized by North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa’s
bad actors that gave in.
— This is about once the Entity became
Weaponized they thought they would
steam roll right over us.
— This is about Weaponized Empathy, oh
woo me, an age old tactic of using guilt.
— This is about no intention to share the
wealth or improvement to SD infrastructure
— This Private foreign/domestic Entity is
NOT Dakotan’s friend and needs to be
treated as such.
— This is about an Entity that will never be
welcomed here.
— This is about saying “No Thank you” and
leaving it as is!
Side note: Case in point of SCS’s abusive
calculated behavior, SCS v.s. SD P.U.C.
Commissioner (conflict of interest). They
knew family member of P.U.C. Comm. was
along pipeline route and decided to bring
lawsuit at this time.
To the Patriot Landowners thank you for
your vigilance, standing your ground against
foreign/domestic enemies within, and your